Human being

Human being

I was born with a genetic mutation in my bone marrow that caused Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
At 2 years old I had polio that caused severe scoliosis. 60 degree curve in my thoracic and 80 degree curve in my lumbar. I have lost 10 cm from shoulder to pelvis. My ribs are now below my pelvis.
I had endometrosis and cholecystitis.
I’ve had 5 broken legs because the polio & MCAS caused poor calcium absorption. Now I have breast cancer and Medicare refuses to pay for a mastectomy (without cosmetic reconstruction).
I grew up in a dysfunctional, abusive home.
I spend 35 years trying to get the MCAS diagnosed. I saw over 100 docs (all male), ALL said I had “Crazy Woman” disease. Nothing was wrong with me. The last doc I saw (woman) took 1 week to diagnose MCAS.
I was unwell my whole life from the effects of polio and MCAS I could not work full time, so my SS is very low. I will die from breast cancer because I cannot afford the surgery. Welcome to America, the greatest country in the world.


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